LAN­DART IM RIED near Wil­helms­dorf 20002010
Art path con­tain­ing art objects made by mate­ri­als from nature in con­tin­u­ous change
accord­ing to an rhythm of growth and decay – at last in rein­te­gra­tion into nature
Con­cept and direc­tion Chris­tiane Lehmann
Board: Kul­turverein Wil­helms­dorf
This project had to be can­celed dur­ing the water log­ging of the Pfrunger Burg­weiler Ried.
24 artists worked there, amongst oth­ers Nils-​Udo, Jochen Breme, Alfons Röllinger, Niko­laus
Mohr, Hans Grohe.
Spon­sored amongst oth­ers by Lan­dess­tiftung Baden — Würt­tem­berg, OEW, Colum­bus
Art Foun­da­tion, Lan­deszen­trale für poli­tis­che Bil­dung Bad Urach, Geberit GmbH,
Kreiss­parkasse Ravens­burg, Gemeinde Wil­helms­dorf
Pho­tographs: Chris­tiane Lehmann, Fer­di­nand Joesten, Nils-​Udo